Learning to watch tennis from an educational standpoint really helps you win more of your own matches.
Here are simple strategies you can copy from high level college doubles:
1. Play “both back” when dealing with a strong server
2. Fake a poach to distract the returner and/or get them to hit right to you
3. When at the net and the ball is behind you, look at the other net player
4. When your partner is pulled off the court move with them...and if they’re In trouble move back, too
For more tips to improve your game go to 2MinuteTennis.net
Win More Doubles Matches | Doubles Strategy Point Analysis
Win More Doubles Matches | College Doubles Point AnalysisTennisTennis pointsTennis doubles pointsHow to play doublesHow to play tennis doublesHow to play doubles tennisDoubles strategyTennis strategyTennis doubles strategyDoubles tennis strategyTennis tipsTennis lessonsTennis drillTennis drillsHow to play tennisTennis doubles tipsRyan Reidy2 minute tennisTwo minute tennisWin More Doubles Matches | Doubles Strategy Point Analysis