Burning feet
Peripheral neuropathy
Nerve damage
Numbness in feet
Tingling in feet
Foot pain
Diabetic neuropathy
Neuropathic pain
Chronic pain
Neurological disorders
Foot neuropathy
Causes of neuropathy
Treatment for neuropathy
Symptoms of neuropathy
Neuropathy diagnosis
burning feet
feet pain
paon me jalan
peripheral neuropathy
diabetic neuropathy
foot pain
neuropathic pain
ulnar nerve entrapment
Peripheral neuropathy, a result of damage to the nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves), often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in the hands and feet. It can also affect other areas and body functions including digestion, urination and circulation.
Every nerve in your peripheral system has a specific function, so symptoms depend on the type of nerves affected. Nerves are classified into:
Sensory nerves that receive sensation, such as temperature, pain, vibration or touch, from the skin
Motor nerves that control muscle movement
Autonomic nerves that control functions such as blood pressure, perspiration, heart rate, digestion and bladder function
Gradual onset of numbness, prickling or tingling in your feet or hands, which can spread upward into your legs and arms
Sharp, jabbing, throbbing or burning pa in
Extreme sensitivity to touch
Pain during activities that shouldn't cause pain, such as pain in your feet when putting weight on them or when they're under a blanket
Lack of coordination and falling
Muscle weakness
Feeling as if you're wearing gloves or socks when you're not
Paralysis if motor nerves are affected
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