Today I'm converting an old 300 litre wine barrel into a liquor strorage cabinet! With rotating shelves, in-built lighting, lockable doors and much more, I think it's the ultimate wine barrel!
Hope you enjoy the video!
All the best with your future projects.
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DIY Wine Barrel Liquor Cabinet
I made a Liquor cabinet out of a wine barrelWine barrel conversionwine barrelliquorliquor cabinetwine cabinetwine cabnetBarrel bardrinks cabinetwine barrel barbarelbarrelcabinetlazy susanhow to make a wine barreldyi wine barreldiy wine barrel conversionhow to convert a wine barrel into a liquor cabinetwine barrel to cabinetliquor cabinet out of a wine barrelwhiskey barrelwhiskey barrel cabinetwhiskey barrel cabnetwine barrel diy