Basic Principles On How To Pick Locks
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This video goes over the basic principles on how to pick locks with the visual aide of a clear acrylic padlock.
You will be able to visualize the positions of the driver pins with the correct key, and examples of single pin picking, zipping, rocking, and raking.
If You Are Just Getting Started Here Are A Few Links That May Be Helpful To You
Learn To Build Your Own Padlock: [ Ссылка ]
Buy You Own Clear Padlock: [ Ссылка ]
Check Out My Progressive Lock List For An Easier Progression Towards More Difficult Locks. 1. Clear Acrylic Padlock: [ Ссылка ]
2. Master Lock No 3: [ Ссылка ]
3. Master Lock 140: [ Ссылка ]
4. Brinks 40 mm Padlock: [ Ссылка ]
5. Master Lock 570: [ Ссылка ]
6. Master Lock 911: [ Ссылка ]
7. Commando Padlock: [ Ссылка ]
8. American Lock 1100 Series: [ Ссылка ]
9. Master Lock 410 LOTO: [ Ссылка ]
10. Abus Titalium 80TI/50: [ Ссылка ]
Check Out One Of The Best Cheap Generic Lock Pick Sets Sold At [ Ссылка ]
Check Out A Beginner Dimple Lock Pick Set On [ Ссылка ]
Check Out The Panavise 350 On Amazon: [ Ссылка ]
It Is One Of The Best / Most Used Vises For Lock Sport!
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains Amazon Affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, my channel will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
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#HelpfulLockPicker #LockPicking #LockSport
[30] Closeup On How Lock Picking Works
SPPSingle Pin PickRakeRockZipShimExploitLockLockpickLockpickinglock pickinghow to pick locksbumpingbump keyPadlockTrickTipsSecretSecretsLessonlocksportlocksmithHeLPHelpfulLockPickerHelpful Lock Pickerlockpicking 101lockpicking basicslock picking for beginnerslife hacksstandard pinspool pinserrated pinbogotasnakedimpletumblerbypassattackcrackinghackhackingmanipulaterakinghow lock picking works