Cara Pasang LCD VIVO Y12, Y15, Y17 Bagi Pemula
Hai sobat. Bila kalian ingin melakukan pergantian layar lcd touchscreen Vivo y12 tutorial ini sangat cocok buat kamu yang ingin mengerjakan/mengganti nya sendiri dirumah, tanpa kalian bawa ke tukang service. Cara ganti lcd touchscreen Vivo y12 ini cukup mudah
yang perlu kalian perhatikan adalah caranya:
*Cara buka kesing belakang/backdoor Vivo y12
*Cara buka batre tanamnya Vivo y12
*Cara buka layar lcdnya Vivo y12
*Cara memasang / Lem lcdnya Vivo y12
Alat /sparepart yang kalian siapkan:
*Lcd baru Vivo y12 harganya 280.000an
*Lem lcd type E8000 harganya 20.000-30.000an
*Obeng plus untuk hp harganya 15.000-25.000an
*Hairdryer pinjam Kaka cewe 😁
*Karet gelang
*Pinset harganya 15.000an
Didalam video ini lengkap caranya step by step nya agar kalian faham cara mengerjakan nya sampai selesai. Cara ganti lcd touchscreen ini kalian juga bisa praktekan di vivo y15 dan Vivo y17 hampir sama cara mengerjakan nya.untuk sparepart kalian bisa order di online shop search saja apa yang kalian butuhkan. Semoga berhasil dan semoga tidak ada halangan pada saat pemasangan lcd.terimakasih🙏
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Cara Pasang LCD VIVO Y12, Y15, Y17 Bagi Pemula
cara Ganti LCD vivo Y12, Y15, Y17 Bagi pemula
Cara Ganti LCD VIVO Y12, Y15, Y17 Untuk Pemula
cara ganti LCD vivo Y12, Y15, Y17 Untuk pemula
cara ganti lcd vivo
cara pasang lcd vivo
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How to Install a VIVO Y12, Y15, Y17 LCD for Beginners
Hi buddy. If you want to change the Vivo y12 touchscreen lcd screen, this tutorial is perfect for those of you who want to do/replace it yourself at home, without you taking it to a repairman. How to replace the Vivo y12 touchscreen LCD is quite easy
What you need to pay attention to is how:
* How to open the back case / backdoor Vivo y12
* How to open the Vivo y12 implanted battery
* How to open the lcd screen Vivo y12
* How to install / Glue the Vivo y12 lcd
Tools / spare parts that you prepare:
* Vivo Y12's new LCD costs 280,000
* E8000 type lcd glue costs 20,000-30,000
* A plus screwdriver for a cellphone costs 15,000-25,000
*Hairdryer borrowed a girl from Kaka
*Rubber bracelet
* Tweezers cost 15 000
In this video, the complete step-by-step method is complete so that you understand how to do it to completion. How to replace this touchscreen LCD, you can also practice on Vivo Y15 and Vivo Y17, almost the same way to do it. For spare parts, you can order at the online shop, just search for what you need. Good luck and hopefully there are no obstacles when installing the lcd. thank you🙏
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How to Install a VIVO Y12, Y15, Y17 LCD for Beginners
how to replace the vivo Y12, Y15, Y17 LCD for beginners
How to replace the VIVO Y12, Y15, Y17 LCD for beginners
how to replace the vivo Y12, Y15, Y17 LCD for beginners
how to change vivo lcd
how to install vivo lcd
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#How To InstallLCDVIVOY12Y15Y17#For Beginners
Cara Pasang LCD VIVO Y12, Y15, Y17 Bagi Pemula
CaraPasangLCDVIVOY12Y15Y17BagiPemulaAll tutorial dot netLcd oppo Y12/Y15/y17all tutorialbang teknocara ganti lcd vivo y12/y15/y17cara lepas lcd vivo y12/y15/y17cara memasang lcd vivo y12/y15/y17cara mengganti lcd vivo y12/y15y17ganti sendiri lcd vivo y12/y15/y17mantap jiwa mempesonaservis hpservis hp vivo y12/y15/y17 ganti lcd touchscreenservis hp pemulateknisi musafirteknisi ndesotipu daya teknisi ponseltutorial lengkaptutorial mudah