Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler says it is “concerning” Victoria put forward a bill to criminalise discussion of any alternative treatment to gender-change while the UK High Court ruled children cannot change gender without their parents’ consent.
Ms Chandler spoke of the legal case of Kiera Bell, a 23-year-old woman who was prescribed puberty blockers at the age of 16.
The UK High Court found that children were unable to understand the consequences of such “life-altering treatments” and raised serious questions about whether they can truly consent to them, Ms Chandler said.
“It’s really timely we’re having this debate in the UK and talking about the best way to deal with young people that identify as the other gender, we call this gender dysphoria,” she said.
“In Australia, you see the Andrews government in Victoria pushing legislation through their parliament that will in effect make it an offense to talk about any medical treatment for children with gender dysphoria other than affirming their chosen gender.
“It’s really concerning, when the UK high court has said this sort of treatment is experimental at best to see a government in Australia, indeed Victoria, say we think that’s the only option, indeed we’re going to criminalise having any conversation with people about any other appropriate treatment.”
Ms Chandler said the legislation was put through the Victorian parliament “very quickly” and there appeared to be a lack of “appropriate public consultation”.
She added the bill raised “serious questions” about whether governments should be involving themselves in the rights of their parents to look after their children.
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