Title: A World Without Labels: Taking a Service-Centred Approach to Inclusion
Organizer: The Tamarack Institute
Date: May 3, 2023
This webinar recording features a conversation with a panel of community advocates who are working to change how we see labeled people (e.g., “young,” “disabled,” “employment insecure”) in our communities.
We explored this topic from a service-centered approach and considering how to best promote the inclusion of so-called labelled individuals and to help them become leaders in the places where they live.
• Heather Keam, Tamarack Institute ([ Ссылка ])
• Templeton Sawyer, Teamwork Cooperative ([ Ссылка ])
• Justin Eweka, Easter Seals Nova Scotia ([ Ссылка ])
• Jennifer Delhorbe, KW Habilitation ([ Ссылка ])
Have questions? Contact Heather Keam (heather@tamarackcommunity.ca)
Learn about upcoming webinars at [ Ссылка ]
Overview of webinar:
0:00 Introduction to webinar and land acknowledgement (Jaime Stief)
01:13 Introduction to panelists (Heather Keam)
06:35 Our hope for this discussion (Templeton Sawyer)
08:05 Where does labeling come from? (Jennifer Delhorbe)
13:20 The power of shifting labels (Templeton Sawyer)
16:47 Meeting in the middle: Communities and people with disabilities coming together (Jennifer Delhorbe, Justin Eweka, Templeton Sawyer)
27:37 Three case stories (Justin Eweka)
36:55 Question 1: Now what? (Heather Keam, Jennifer Delhorbe)
41:33 Question 2: How do we flip it sideways? Jennifer, you say the power is in the funding and the funding creates this labeling that happens in a deficit way. Knowing that we all want funding, offer funding to people with specific needs while also highlighting them as assets to their communities? (Heather Keam, Jennifer Delhorbe, Templeton Sawyer)
45:57: Question 3: Do you have any advice for moving away from labels while also making sure that governments and service providers are accountable for making sure certain demographics aren’t left behind? (Heather Keam, Templeton Sawyer, Jennifer Delhorbe)
49:30 Question 4: What might be the relationship between intersectional identities and labels? (Heather Keam, Templeton Sawyer, Jennifer Delhorbe)
51:42 Concluding remarks
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