Taken Wednesday September 29 2022. Well its time to find out what the Oliver 770 will do, So I took it back and hooked the MM disk and harrow to it to find out. I took off in 3 direct and away we went. She was having an issue like it wasnt wanting to run right but after a little bit she was really rolling along with that disk. This is the very first time to put her under a load and at first she had a little bit of a fit about working but when she got over it she was good to go and ran great after that. I finally figured out I needed to drop the draw bar height by the way the disk is running But she was doing a fine job . I can say I dont think it would have pulled the disk without the duals on it as she feels light in the rear end but she has the power to pull with. The more I run the tractor the better everything seams to work including the hydra shift. The hydraulics seam a bit jumpy to me so I'll have to look into the adjusting the detent adjustment . But at the end of the day I am really impressed with the Oliver 770 in how she runs and pulls. So I'm really glad I bought it ! I hope you enjoyed watching as I work her for the first time. Bandit
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