In a chilling case from the state of Goa, India, a woman named Suchana Seth is currently held under police custody for allegedly murdering her four-year-old son in a resort accommodation located in North Goa. The gruesome crime came to light after the boy's father arrived from Indonesia to take custody of his body. Investigators from the Goa police have released the shocking revelation that the mother may have sedated her son before killing him, with evidence supported by the discovery of two bottles of cough syrup in her hotel room. This explains to some extent that the absence of struggle marks on the deceased child's body. As the authorities continue their investigative proceedings, the stark reality of this horrifying incident has been further confirmed by the medical professionals who carried out the autopsy. The postmortem documentation affirms that the innocent child was suffocated to death, bringing forth the devastating details of this tragic case. #GoaMurderCase #ChildKilled #crimenews
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