Source - Kingdom of Heaven (2005 Film)
"Balian of Ibelin travels to Jerusalem during the Crusades of the 12th century, and there he finds himself as the defender of the city and its people."
#crusades #middleages #history
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Kingdom of Heaven - The Ambush
Kingdom of HeavenMiddle AgesCrusadesThe CrusadesCrusaderFrance in the Middle AgesMedieval FranceMedievalTemplar KnightsTemplarsChristiansChristianityHistorical dramaKingdom of Heaven 2005Movie scenemovie clipsRidley Scottmedieval historyHistoryThe Holy LandCrusader eramedieval war movieswar moviewar filmbattle scenesbattleambushCrusader statesJerusalemBaldwin IV of JerusalemKing Baldwin IVGodfreyBalian of Ibelinwar