Join us on a worldwide adventure to visit the filming locations to the 1986 movie Labyrinth starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. Labyrinth is from the minds of Jim Henson and Brian Froud, and follows a 16-year old girl named Sarah as she embarks on a quest to reach the center of an enormous maze to rescue her baby half-brother Toby after she wishes him away to the Goblin King who is played by David Bowie.
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Labyrinth (1986) Filming Locations - Then and NOW 4K
LabyrinthLabyrinth SongsLabyrinth SoundtrackLabyrinth Full MovieLabyrinth TrailerLabyrinth Dance Magic DanceLabyrinth David BowieLabyrinth WormLabyrinth As The World Falls DownLabyrinth Crystal BallLabyrinth Within YouLabyrinth You Remind Me Of A BabeLabyrinth David Bowie ScenesJim HensonLabyrinth Then and NowLabyrinth Filming LocationLabyrinth Filming LocationsFilming Location Then and NowDavid BowieJim Henson Idea ManDark Crystal