“No Yennai Arindhaal Trailer for X-Mas?”Fans of Thala Ajith may have to wait longer to see the mass of the actor. The makers who earlier planned to release the trailer of the movie for Christmas are not doing it now. We are said that instead they want to release the trailer on the same day as the audio release on the New Year eve. We are not informed about the exact reason behind this delay.
The teaser released about two weeks back is very impressive and has gained over 4 million views on the web world. The recently released first song 'Adhaaru Udhaaru' has set huge expectations on the film's audio which will release very soon. Yennai Arindhaal music is being composed by Harris Jayaraj and there will be six tracks in the album. Trisha and Anushka Shetty are the heroines in the film directed by Gautam Vasudev Menon.
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