Top News | Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a vicious assault on Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, alleging that she was protecting accused Shahjahan in the Sandeshkhali case. "Every wound will be answered with a vote," PM Modi remarked, bringing up the Sandeshkhali situation during his speech to a public gathering in Arambagh, Bengal. "What has been done to the women in Sandeshkhali by the Trinamool Congress, which keeps talking about 'Maa, Maati, Manush,' has made the entire country sad and angry," the Prime Minister remarked in Hindi, alluding to the Trinamool Congress' slogan, "Maa, Maati, Manush" (Mother, Land, and People). Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the reformer, must be crying in his soul at these people's actions.
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