The Town of Plymouth held a special forum about COVID-19 moderated by Plymouth Town Moderator Steve Triffletti. Also joining today's update are Dr. Barry Potvin Professor Emeritus Yeshiva University Dept. of Biology, Philip Triffletti MD attending physician-BID & Matt Muratore, State Representative.
PACTV is a not-for-profit community media center located in Plymouth Massachusetts. PACTV serves the towns of Duxbury | Kingston | Pembroke | and Plymouth. PACTV provides public, education and government access. For more about PACTV, visit
8-11-21 Town of Plymouth COVID-19 Forum #Plymouth
pactvplymouth televisionplymouth maplymouth cable tvplymouth area televisioncommunity media centerplymouthplymouth massplymouth massachusettsma polimapolimathew muratorecovid-19covidcovid 19covid19mamapolicoronavirustown of plymouthmassachusettspublic healthplymouth 2021covid 19 updatecovid-19 updatecovid19updatetrifflettimay 2021Plymouth 2021matt muratoreplymouth countydeltadelta variantaugust 2021barry potvin