.... still need to finish the landing gear, apply the cardstock and adhere the plastics.
next video in this playlist it will be on display.
Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I'd like to welcome everyone onboard Guillows Flight 419 to nowhere. We are currently in a holding pattern. The time is 9:49 am. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land approximately three days behind schedule. The weather in town is clear and cold, with a high of 45 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the columbia river when we finally descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about five minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage, so sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.
Guillows Bell P-39D Airacobra is almost done
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