Best Student Loan Refinance Companies
Dealing with student loans is not pleasant. Here is the list of best companies to refinance student loan debt. They are necessary, and you can find many providers to help you with student loans. That being said, here are some of the top options on the market at this time.
5. Common Bond
They are helping others as you refinance, the fixed rate is rather low, and you do have a 660+ credit requirement. The loan term can be anywhere from 5 to 20 years, which is a very good option to consider.
4. LendKey
With their help you can get up to $300000, so quite a lot of money. They don’t have prepayment fees, application, or origination fees. You do have a 660+ credit score requirement, and in the end, it does offer you a really good return on investment and value as a whole.
3. Earnest
Earnest is great for fast applications. The variable APR rate is 1.99%, so pretty impressive. The loan term can be up to 20 years, and you can get a loan from $5000 upward. Overall, they are versatile and provide a very good user experience.
2. SoFi
SoFi is particularly good for the long term to refinance loans. They have a good APR rate at 1.99%, and on top of that, they can give you any sum from $5000 onward. It’s definitely worth checking them out especially if you don’t want to worry about any fees.
1. Credible
The main strength of this app is that it’s not asking for any credit score. It can give you up to 100% of the outstanding debt and there are no fees. That really makes them one of the top options on the market at this time, and you are getting an extraordinary result.
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Best Student Loan Refinance Companies
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