In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of
God, I AM in me, and my own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call
to the heart of the Will of God in the Great Central Sun,
beloved Archangel Michael, beloved El Morya, beloved
Mighty Hercules, all the legions of blue lightning, and the
Brothers of the Diamond Heart, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello,
the entire Spirit of the Great White Brother hood and the World
Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! to fan the
flame of the Will of God throughout my four lower bodies and
answer this my call infinitely, presently, and forever:
1. I AM God’s Will manifest everywhere,
I AM God’s Will perfect beyond compare,
I AM God’s Will so beautiful and fair,
I AM God’s willing bounty everywhere.
Come, come, come, O blue-flame Will so true,
Make and keep me ever radiant like you.
Blue-flame Will of living Truth,
Good Will flame of eternal youth,
Manifest, manifest, manifest in me now!
2. I AM God’s Will now taking full command,
I AM God’s Will making all to understand,
I AM God’s Will whose power is supreme,
I AM God’s Will fulfilling heaven’s dream.
3. I AM God’s Will protecting, blessing here,
I AM God’s Will now casting out all fear,
I AM God’s Will in action here well done,
I AM God’s Will with Victory for each one.
4. I AM blue lightning flashing Freedom’s love,
I AM blue-lightning power from above,
I AM blue lightning setting all men free,
I AM blue-flame power flowing good through me.
And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, mani¬fest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfold¬ing until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
Decree 10.03 (40x) (by Mother) (8-8-88)
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