Following record production years, pandemic and logistical issues slowed California almond shipments considerably, creating record carryover inventory and pricing issues for the industry. Coming off a shorter crop year in 2022 and what appears to be another short crop in 2023, almond growers are hoping to see prices moving up again. Watch this brief interview with Almond Board of California President Richard Waycott as he shares details of some record almond shipping months this year that is moving the industry back on track to greater prosperity.
California Almond Shipments Make Record Comeback
Matthew MalcolmPacific Nut ProducerMalcolm MediaCalifornia Ag NetworkNut GrowerAlmond ShipmentsRichard WaycottAlmond Board of CaliforniaAlmond Crop 2023California Almond ProductionAlmond InventoryAlmond PricesCalifornia Almond ExportsRecord Almond CropWest Coast NutNational Nut GrowerNut PublicationAlmond NewsAgNet WestAg AlertWestern Farm PressWestern Fruit GrowerAlmond Alliance of CaliforniaAlmond FactsAlmond Podcast