UDIN Process flow. To register at UDIN portal, please take the following steps:
Step 1: Enter the homepage [ Ссылка ]
Step 2: Click button “For first time sign up, click here”
Step 3: Enter your six-digit Membership No., Date of Birth and Date of Enrollment, and click the “Send OTP”.
Step 4: Enter OTP received and click “Continue”, you will receive username and system generated password at the mobile and email, as registered with the ICAI.
Sing IN Process:
Go to the link [ Ссылка ] and Enter your Membership No, Password and click “Login”
An OTP will be sent to you at the mobile and email, as registered with the ICAI.
Generate UDIN process:
✓ After login, click “Generate UDIN”
✓ Enter details such as, your Client Reference Code/Number, Document Issued, Document Description, Date of Document, Keywords/Values (minimum three) with in the document and click
the button “Send OTP”. Firm Registration Number (FRN) is Optional.
✓ An OTP will be sent to you at the mobile and email, as registered with the ICAI.
✓ Enter OTP received and click the button “Preview”. You will see the details you have entered for generating the UDIN.
✓ If there is any change in the content, you should click the button “Back” or else click the button “Submit”
✓ A UDIN will be generated and you can use that UDIN on the document for which it has been generated
Print Out Process:
UDIN that have been generated would be displayed as watermarked on document(s) else the UDIN can be mentioned on the document(s) using a pen. “List UDIN” menu can be used to print the UDIN. UDIN that have been generated can be searched on the criteria viz. UDIN, FRN, Client Reference Code, Document Issued Under, Date of Document and Document Status. “Search”
menu can be used to search the UDIN.
Change Password Process:
The password generated is encrypted to ensure its appropriate safety. However, Members may change the password at any time. “Change Password” menu can be used to change the password.
✓ Sign in.
✓ Under "Sign-in”, select “Change Password” menu.
✓ Enter your current Password.
✓ Enter your new password, then click send OTP. You will receive an OTP on your mobile and email, as registered with the ICAI.
Revoke UDIN process:
The UDIN once generated can be withdrawn or cancelled with narration. Hence if any user search for this UDIN, appropriate narration indicated by Member with the date of revoke will be displayed for reference. “List UDIN” menu can be used to revoke the UDIN.
Download Process flow [ Ссылка ]
Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)
It has been observed that at many instances financial statements and documents are being certified/attested by third persons in lieu of our CA members. These statements misleads various authorities/other stake holders who rely upon them.
To address above, an innovative concept of Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) has been conceptualized and developed by Professional Development Committee of ICAI which was also being demanded by various regulators. UDIN is a unique number, which will be generated for every document certified/attested by Practising Chartered Accountants and registered with the UDIN portal. The portal is available at [ Ссылка ].
Accordingly, the Council at its 374th meeting decided to implement UDIN, therefore it has been made recommendatory with effect from 01st July, 2018, and later on it would be made mandatory.
The portal offers the facility to various Regulators/Banks/Authorities/Other Stakeholders to check the authenticity of the documents certified by Practicing Chartered Accountants who have registered on the said portal. It would help them in tracing of forged/wrong documents prepared by any third person in the name of Chartered Accountant, as a person other than Chartered Accountant will not be able to upload the documents on this portal.
For Process and related Frequently-Asked Questions, please visit [ Ссылка ] .
For any other further assistance/clarification, you may reach us at 011–30110440/444 or email at udin@icai.in .
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