"Swayanjatha" was a captivating teledrama that aired on ITN, showcasing the remarkable talents of a talented ensemble. Under the skillful direction of Sudath Rohana and the production efforts of H.D. Premasiri, Bandula Ekanayake, Channa Fernando, and Bandara Ahaliyagoda, this teledrama brought to life the gripping script penned by Sarath Darmasiri. Inspired by Samaraweera Wijesinghe's acclaimed novel of the same name, which received the prestigious Golden Book Award from Sri Lanka Book Publishers in 2008, "Swayanjatha" transported viewers back to a transformative era in Sri Lanka's history—the period of British governance—with a compelling narrative set in a rustic village.
Through its storytelling, "Swayanjatha" delved into the disintegration of the fundamental values of marriage, depicting the challenges and repercussions of infidelity. The teledrama beautifully portrayed the influence of Westernization and the presence of Christian faith, providing a vivid snapshot of a bygone Sri Lanka. Notably, Deepthi Mangalasoma was honored with the Best Art Director award, while Jagath Chamila earned recognition as the Best Actor for his outstanding portrayal in "Swayanjatha" in 2011.
The stellar cast, including Jagath Chamila, Chaturika Peiris, Palitha Silva, Semini Iddamalgoda, Janak Premalal, Damitha Abeyrathne, Sriyani Amarasena, Roshan Pilapitiya, Hemasiri Liyanage, Sathishchandra Edirisinghe, Prageeth Rathnayake, Anuruddika Padukkage, Ferini Roshini, Shriyani Mahawatta, Thamali Nadeesha, Tony Ranasinghe, and Senanayake Weraliyadda, brought their immense talents to the forefront, captivating audiences with their exceptional performances.
Digital release - Fahim Mawjood Productions
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#sinhalatelidrama #itn - Fahim Mawjood Productions
Swayanjatha Episode 75 - (2023-09-30)
Swayanjatha teledramaSri Lankan teledramaITN teledramaBest Actor - Jagath Chamilafahim mawjood productionsJagath Chamila teledramaJagath ChamilaSwayanjathaitn teledramaitnsrilankaprogrammessinhalatvlankanindependenttelevisionnetworkHeenayaki Me AdareSrilanka Teledramaitn dramanew teledramaitn 9.00sinhala dramasri lanka dramatophittrendingnew2023hinayaki me adareනාට්යChaturika PeirisSemini Iddamalgodanew sinhala teledrama