From a series of radio programs titled "A Note to You", originally broadcast on WGBH-FM, Boston, and hosted by Virginia Eskin. This program is dedicated to music for the oboe, and was originally broadcast on or around December 26, 1999. Virginia Eskin's guest on the program is oboist Ralph Gomberg (on the right in the photo above).
Musical works discussed on this program include:
Rodolphe Kreutzer, Concertante for oboe and string quartet,
Mozart, Oboe Quartet in F major, K. 370/368b,
Ravel, Le tombeau de Couperin,
Telemann, Concerto in D minor for oboe & strings & continuo,
Hummel, Oboe concerto,
Marcello, Oboe concerto in C minor,
Hindemith, Sonata for oboe and piano,
Joan Tower, Island prelude,
Virginia Eskin’s website is accessible at [ Ссылка ] and some of her recordings are available at [ Ссылка ]
The opening theme for ‘A Note to You’ is from Menotti’s Piano Concerto in F Major (1945): [ Ссылка ]
Virginia Eskin with 'A Note to You': The Oboe
a note to youvirginia eskinthe oboeRodolphe KreutzerConcertante for oboe and string quartetMozartOboe Quartet in F majorK. 370/368bRavelLe tombeau de CouperinTelemannConcerto in D minor for oboe & strings & continuomarcel tabuteauharold gombergHummelOboe concertoMarcelloOboe concerto in C minorHindemithSonata for oboe and pianojoan towerisland prelude