Billionaire businessman and retail investor Radhakrishnan Damani, who owns the popular one-stop supermarket chain D’Mart, has recently purchased a brand new house worth Rs 1,000 crore in South Mumbai’s affluent Malabar Hill. Damani and his brother Gopikishan from Purachand Roychand & Sons, Pareshchand Roychand & Sons, Premchand Roychand & Sons bought the 5752.22 sq ft house, which has a market value of Rs 724 crore, The Indian Express reported. The property has been sold by the current owners, Saurabh Mehta, Varsha Mehta and Jayesh Shah. Damani has paid Rs 30 crore for stamp duty for the property purchase and was registered on March 31. Notably, Damani was raised in a one-room apartment in a tenement block in the city. Currently, he runs Avenue Supermarts Ltd that owns the retail chain D’Mart. He is the fourth richest Indian with a net worth of $15.4 billion, according to Forbes India’s rich list of 2020.
#Dmart #RadgakrishnanDamani #Hybiz
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D’Mart Owner Buys Rs 1000 crore House | Hybiz
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