Katrina Dodson, Amara Lakhous, Jung Young-Moon, and Idra Novey at the Bay Area Book Festival (moderated by Michael Holtmann).
Translators alchemize foreign masterworks by harnessing the potential of language. This session explores the nuanced art of translation from the point of view of four of its most devoted practitioners: Katrina Dodson, Amara Lakhous, Jung Young-Moon, and Idra Novey. Moderated by Michael Holtmann, director of the Center for the Art of Translation.
The Art of Translation
Katrina DodsonAmara LakhousJung Young-MoonIdra NoveyMichael HoltmannCenter for the Art of Translationtranslationwritingbookstranslatingtranslatorsliteraturelanguageart of translationClarice LispectorPortuguesefictionTwo Lines PressThe Prank of the Little Virgin in Via OrmeaWays to DisappearnovelVaseline BuddhawritersidentitystoriesstorytellingcreativityA Most Ambiguous SundayA Contrived WorldBay Area Book Festivalinterview