Today we're playing through the #1991 #TigerElectronics
release of #Battletoads!
Tiger Electronics released Battletoads in 1991. It is based off of the NES game of the same name that was developed by #Rare, published by #Tradewest and also released in 1991.The Battletoads are hard at work on their four light-year mission to take the Terran Princess, Angelica back to her native planet.#Pimple is taking her for a joyride in the Toadster. But the Gargantua, the flagship of the #DarkQueen, swallows them up and hijacks them to Ragnarok’s World!
But the rest of the Battletoads crew, safe aboard the SS Vulture, picks up the trail and follows the Gargantua to Ragnarok’s World! The two other #Battletoad crew members, #Zitz and #Rash, are determined to storm the planet, rescue their pals and teach the Dark Queen a lesson!
It’s a #Toadally Rad adventure!
Anyway everyone thank you for watching as always and be sure to drop a #like, #comment and be sure to #Subscribe if you haven’t already! Be sure to smash that #16Bit bell on your way out so you never miss a video!
Ed Plays - Battletoads - Tiger Electronics Handheld
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