Political scientist and Marxist Adolph Reed answers the question "What is racism?" He also explains the nature and role of ideology in a hierarchical society, and touches on Robin DiAngelo's confused assessment of racism.
Philosopher Liam Bright on the varieties of black political philosophy: [ Ссылка ] (Reed is in the Socialist camp)
NYT story about Reed: [ Ссылка ]
full episode of Useful Idiots: [ Ссылка ]
What is Racism? Adolph Reed Jr.
critical race theorycrtracismracistnice racismwhite fragilityrobin diangeloadolph reed jradolph reedadolf reedadolf reed jrphilosophypolitical sciencedefinition of racismmarxistmarxismsocialistsocialismliberalliberalismliam brightcritiquecriticismblmblack lives matterblack marxistblack socialistexplainedideologyideologicalcapitalistcapitalismNikole Hannah-Jones1619political philosophyphilosophy of racismclassclass politics