#TempleOfSunAndMoon #teotihuacan
The Temple of the Sun and Moon is a remarkable archaeological complex located in the Teotihuacan Valley, near Mexico City. The Temple of the Sun and Moon stands as a testament to the ingenuity and cultural legacy of Mesoamerican civilizations. It attracts visitors from around the globe who marvel at its architectural splendor and seek to connect with the ancient past. Exploring these archaeological treasures allows us to appreciate the achievements of the civilizations that shaped Mexico's rich history and cultural heritage.
Temple of sun and moon mexico
Pyramid of the Moon and Sun
Temple of sun and moon mexico city
Where are the sun and moon pyramids in Mexico
Teotihuacán Pyramids
Pyramid of the Sun and Moon
Temple of sun and moon Mexico
temple of sun and moon mexicotemple of sun and moon mexico cityWhere are the sun and moon pyramids in MexicoTeotihuacán PyramidsPyramid of the Sun and Moonpyramid of the moon teotihuacanPyramid of the Moon and Sunsun and moon temple mexicosun and moon templeTeotihuacánMexicomexico cityMesoamerican civilizationPyramid of the Sunpyramid of moontemple of sun and moon portalsmexico temple of sun and moon