In early September 1973, Syntonic Research, Inc. or "SRI," released a 45rpm single titled "The Altered Nixon Speech." The A-side of the single consisted of a 1 minute audiotape collage of President Richard M. Nixon's August 15, 1973 speech on the Watergate break-in. The collage was created by Irv Taibel, the phonographer who created the "Environments" series of LPs of nature sounds. Using 140 tape splices, Taibel edited Nixon's words to create the following statement (adding some reverb to camouflage the cuts):I had prior knowledge of the Watergate break-in. I authorized subordinates to engage in illegal campaign tactics. I accept full responsibility for the break-in and bugging of the Democratic National Headquarters and other campaign abuses. Let me explain to you what I did about Watergate after the break-in occurred. I took part in the subsequent cover-up activities. My effort throughout has been burglary and bugging of party headquarters, obstructing justice, harassing individuals, and compromising those agencies of government that should be above politics. We of course must be extremely careful in the way we go about this. I shall continue to subvert the institutions of government by unlawful means. How to carry out this duty is often a delicate question. That is the simple truth.The B-side of the single provides the original elements from which Taibel constructed the collage. Here is the text of the original materials:This investigation began as an effort to discover the facts about the break-in and bugging of the Democratic National Headquarters and other campaign abuses.Because the abuses occurred during my Administration, and in the campaign for my reelection, I accept full responsibility for them.On May 22, I stated in very specific terms, and I state again to every one of you listening tonight these facts, I had no prior knowledge of the Watergate break-in. I neither took part in nor knew about any of the subsequent cover-up activities. I neither authorized nor encouraged subordinates to engage in illegal or improper campaign tactics. That was and that is the simple truth.In all of the millions of words of testimony, there is not the slightest suggestion that I had any knowledge of the planning for the Watergate break-in. As for the cover-up, my statement has been challenged by only one of the 35 witnesses who appeared.To most of us, Watergate has come to mean not just a burglary and bugging of party headquarters but a whole series of acts that either represent or appear to represent an abuse of trust.No political campaign ever justifies obstructing justice, or harassing individuals, or compromising those great agencies of Government that should and must be above politics.In a free society, the institutions of government belong to the people. They must never be used against the people.Only last year, the Supreme Court said that implicit in the President's constitutional duty is "the power to protect our Government against those who would subvert or overthrow it by unlawful means." How to carry out this duty is often a delicate question to which there is no easy answer. The A-side of the single includes this disclaimer:This recording was assembled as proof that magnetic tape can be made to do almost anything. It is not our intention to malign the Office of the Presidency. For this reason, we specify that this recording is not to be copied nor may it be used for any purpose other than private listening in the home. Broadcast usage without written authorization is specifically prohibited.And the B-side includes this offer:Please Note: This recording will undoubtably become a collector's item as only a limited quantity will be pressed. If you wish to order additional copies, please send $2.00 plus 50c shipping (& 14c sales tax to NYS residents) to: SRI, 663 Fifth Ave., New York 10022. (Side B text)Incidentally, Taibel often testified as an expert witness on magnetic tape technology.
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