Freedom Reigns presents Syncretism with host Santos Bonacci interviewing members working with One People's Public Trust. A MUST LISTEN. Heather Tucci-Jarraf joins to help explain what is happening behind the scenes. Please like & share everywhere! [ Ссылка ]
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Syncretism - January 27, 2013
freedomsyncretismfreedom reignskate of gaiaoutside the boxsantos bonacciriegel exchangeriegelmrastrotheologyconsciousnesstruthliestruth radiodeatrapeace and loveawakeningdivine provincejames mcbridevaticanpopecontroldeathcorruptioncorporate fictionlegal corruptionjudgescourtlegal fictioncapitalismreligionilluminaticosmic blueprintsdavid meolaheather tucci-jarraflightworkerspeople's public trust