How To Deal With An Angry Aries Man - Discover the Top 5 Reasons Aries Men Leave a Relationship, Aries Man Secrets will help you figure out the "real reason" he left (it's probably not what you think)... [ Ссылка ]
You basically deal with him with patience and understanding.
If you're with someone, don't walk out and slam the door behind you.
Instead, take your leave calmly, explaining if possible that you're going to give him some space.
Do not, under any circumstances, insult him. Yell at him, pursue him, and beg him not to leave.
None of these actions will help the situation. If you respond to him, he will most likely feel the need to have the last word or one-up you.
He may become enraged and say something you both will regret.
You won't be able to track him down or prevent him from fleeing if you try.
However, the dominant Aries may interpret it as weakness on your part, or it may simply irritate him.
It's unlikely to persuade him, so give yourself some alone time.
While he's taking his, concentrate on helping yourself. Do whatever you need to do to feel peaceful again so that when you get together again, you can talk calmly and openly.
When he has calmed down
Once the dust has settled, you can approach your Aries, or he may approach you first. Now is the time to discuss what happened.
It's critical to communicate with your Aries significant other in a calm and gentle manner.
Don't put on the kid gloves, but keep anything that sounds like blame or harsh judgment out of the conversation.
He might still be a little naive.
If that's the case, make sure you're not sending any signals that he might interpret as confrontational, lest the situation reoccur.
Patience is your friend here. If you aren't used to being the patient one in the relationship, it's worth practicing because pushing an Aries man won't get you anywhere.
Listen to him when you're both calm and he's telling his side of the story.
Don't interrupt or contradict him.
After he's finished expressing his feelings, let him know you heard him and tell him what you need to tell him while keeping his sensitivity in mind.
If you've had an argument, it's a good idea to discuss how you want to approach each other in the future to avoid repeating the same mistake.
While it may not be your golden ticket to avoid all fights, it will demonstrate to your Aries man that you are serious about improving things.
With these suggestions, you can keep the Aries from becoming defensive while retracing your steps through past events, and he will feel heard, understood, and appreciated.
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