W 9 Form | How to fill out Form W-9 if you are Self-Employed, Subcontractor, LLC, S Corporation
What is Form W-9? Request and Certification of Taxpayer Identification Number
This form is used to obtain information about service providers. With this form you provide the name of the person or business that is providing services, the address and tax identification number.
This is not the form you must fill out if you are an employee.
Link for the W-9 Form: [ Ссылка ]
Link for the W 9 form in Spanish: [ Ссылка ]
In this video I show you how to fill out the W-9 form:
1:56 What happens if you don't submit the W 9 form?
7:43 Answer.
5:22 How to fill out form W-9 as an individually / self-employed
6:31 How to fill out form W 9 - When you work with a d/b/a or a fictitious name
8:28 How to fill out the W-9 form - When you have an LLC with a single owner
9:53 How to fill out form W 9 - When a LLC company has more than one owner a Partnership
10:56 How to fill out the W-9 form - When you have an S Corporation or C Corporation
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I want to give thanks to XimerTracks for letting me use his music.
Artist: Raven & Kreyn
Song: Call Me Again
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The Tax Chica
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