1. The BJP and the AIADMK announced an alliance in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry for the Lok Sabha elections. The BJP will contest 5 of the 39 seats in Tamil Nadu. The AIADMK and the PMK have also come together. Piyush Goyal had earlier met the AIADMK leaders to discuss on the recent ""strong alliance""
2. The Patna High Court today said former chief ministers of Bihar cannot occupy government bungalows allotted to them for a lifetime. The court directed former state chief ministers, including Nitesh Kumar to vacate these bunglows.
3. According to The Hindu, An Uttar Pradesh Police officer, who had booked Chief Minister Adityanath under the National Security Act when he was the Gorakhpur MP in 2002, has been suspended. His suspension came weeks after the officer in an interview that he had been sidelined ever since he booked Adityanath.
4. The West Bengal government had transferred Kolkata police chief Rajeev Kumar to the Crime Investigation Department, where he will take over as the additional director general of police and inspector general of police
5. Sensex falls for 9th straight session, ends 146 points lower after 489-point intra-day swing lower at 35,352.61 and Nifty at 10,604.35
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