Lebanon is undergoing an unprecedented garbage crisis and citizens are literally surrounded by garbage.
Opinions are heading towards incineration, which in itself is a tragedy.
What we need to be aware of is that today, Lebanon has the industrial capacity to recycle 100% of its domestic garbage and to become a zero waste country.
By recycling we preserve our nature and expand our country’s industrial potential.
Leela, love in action team has met with environmental engineer Mr. Ziad Abi Chaker and toured Lebanon under his guidance to visit manufacturers, technicians and factories specialized in recycling and waste sorting.
Mr. Abi Chaker demonstrated proof confirming that we are technically capable of transforming our crisis into opportunities in the very NOW.
A ZERO WASTE LEBANON is a short documentary, soon to be released, which holds a powerful message of hope by shedding light on simple solutions for a greener and healthier Lebanon.
A Zero Waste Lebanon -The trailer
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