Rebel Inc: Escalation - Saffron Fields - Smuggler [Brutal]
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From the creator of 'Plague Inc: Evolved' comes a unique and deeply engaging political/military strategic simulation.
In Rebel Inc: Escalation, the war is ‘over’ - but we all know that doesn't mean anything. In order to stabilise a war-torn country, you need to balance competing military and civilian priorities to win the hearts and minds of the people, whilst also stopping a deadly insurgency from seizing power!
Following on from the global mega hit 'Plague Inc.' with over 130 million players, Rebel Inc: Escalation offers a deeply engaging, strategic challenge inspired by the complexities and consequences of modern counter insurgency. It has received acclaim from international development experts and was even featured at a major international peace conference!
Rebel Inc: Escalation combines the original critically acclaimed gameplay with significant, all-new features, enhanced music, and improved 3D graphics for PC, with loads more still to come, including a campaign, multiplayer and Steam workshop support
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Saffron Fields - Smuggler [Brutal]
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