Geoffrey PLEYERS, Belgium
FNRS Researcher and Professor at the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium (“Chercheur qualifié”, i.e.
tenured researcher at the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research)
Former professional positions held: Senior visiting fellow, London School of Economics 2010-14;
Education: BA in sociology, University of Liège, 2000; Master degree (DEA) in sociology, Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 2001; Doctorat en sociologie, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, Paris, 2006.
Offices held in ISA: RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements Board Member 2006-14 and President
2014-18; Sociopedia, Member of the editorial board 2008-14:
Offices held in other organizations: Funding editor of “Open Movements: For a global and public sociology
of social movements” since 2015; Chair of the research program “Social movements in the Global Age”,
Collège d’Etudes Mondiales, FMSH Paris, since 2013; Co-chair of the Research network 21 « Mouvements
sociaux », Association Française de Sociologie 2009-17
Funding member of the Mexican Network of Social movement studies 2014-16;
Member of the international scientific committee or editorial board of 16 scholar journals, including 10 in
Latin America (Revista Mexicana de Sociologia, Revista Colombiana de Sociología...)
Recent publications: Bringel B., Pleyers G. (2017) Protestas e indignación global. Los movimientos sociales
en el nuevo orden mundial, Buenos Aires: CLACSO.
Pleyers G. (2015), “The global age and ecology. A social movement perspective” in: Bringel & Dominguez
eds., Global Modernity and Social Protests, London: Sage.
Glasius M. & Pleyers G. (2013) The Moment of 2011: Democracy, social justice, dignity, Development and
change, vol. 44(3): 547–567.
Pleyers G. (2010) Alter-Globalization: Becoming Actors in the Global Age, Cambridge: Polity Press Juris J.,
Pleyers G. (2009) “Alter-Activism: Emerging Cultures of Participation among Young Global Justice Activists”,
On Global Methodologism
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