Understanding Scatter and Grids in X-Ray Imaging | How Radiology Works
In this video, How Radiology Works takes an in-depth look at scatter in x-ray imaging and the factors that affect it. Brian explains how technical parameters like KVP, patient size, and field of view influence scatter. He also discusses the importance of grids in reducing scatter, exploring different types of grids and their effects on image quality and dose. With detailed diagrams and examples, this video is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to understand scatter and grids in x-ray imaging.
Introduction to Scatter in X-Ray Imaging
Factors Affecting Scatter
Understanding KVP
Patient Size and Scatter
Field of View (Collimation)
Object to Image Distance (OID)
Introduction to Grids
Grid Types and Their Effects
Understanding Grid Ratio and Frequency
2D Grids and Their Benefits
Grid Cutoff
Focused Grids
Quantifying Grid Improvement
The Bucky Factor
X-ray Scatter and Anti-Scatter Grids
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