Realme 7 Price in India starts at Rs 14,999. In this video we do an in-depth comparison of Realme 7 vs Poco M2 Pro, where we compare Realme 7 vs Poco M2 Pro Camera test, Realme 7 vs Poco M2 Pro Speed Test, we have already done a detailed Realme 7 vs Poco M2 Pro Battery Drain Test but here you'll get to see Poco M2 Pro vs Realme 7 Camera Comparison. This is Realme 7 vs Poco M2 Pro Hindi Comparison and We also end with some Realme 7 Pros and Cons and Poco M2 Pro Pros and Cons.
#Realme7vsPocoM2Pro #PocoM2ProvsRealme7
Background Music Credits:
Zukira &. Croobz - We (Instrumental Mix)
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00:00 Hi Hello
00:37 Build and Design
01:38 Display and Speakers
03:18 Performance
04:54 Gaming
05:17 Software Experience
06:47 Battery and Charging
07:40 Camera Comparison
12:27 Camera Verdict
13:12 Pros and Cons Compared
13:49 Pricing and Verdict
15:08 Conclusion
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