In this Minecraft video, I make a Minecraft stop motion animation with a giant freddy fazbear dancing to gangnam style on top of a village (Minecraft gangnam style / gangnam style animation / Minecraft stop motion freddy fazbear / freddy fazbear mouse stop motion / Minecraft fnaf / fnaf animation).
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Minecraft Freddy Fazbear Gangnam Style Animation 😬 #Shorts
Minecraft stop motionStop motion minecraftStop motion animation minecraftminecraftminecraft gangnam styleminecraft gangnam style stop motionminecraft stop motion gangnam styleminecraft tiktoksminecraft gangnam style memegangnam style minecraftgangnam styledrowned stop motiongangnam style animationfreddy fazbearfreddy fazbear gangnam stylegangnam style freddy fazbearoppa gangnam styleminecraft fnaffnaf animationminecraft animation