The seven phases of Lok Sabha election 2019 that started on 11th April ended on 19th May. The result for this election will be declared on 23rd May after counting of votes. But the exit polls are out.
As per the survey of "India Today- Axis My India" NDA is going to return in power again. The sample size of this survey is 742,187 and conducted on 542 Lok Sabha seats. As per the survey NDA is being predicted to have 339-365 seats and UPA with 77-108 seats along with Others, may have 69-95 seats.
For knowing the exit poll prediction of every states and Union Territories- Watch Full Video.
Survey Credits:-
India Today- Axis My India ([ Ссылка ])
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Anchor & Content Writer- Ujjawal Kumar ([ Ссылка ])
Shot & Edited By:- Pranav Prasun ([ Ссылка ])
EXIT POLL | Lok Sabha Election | 2019 | The Info Club
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