Change management is an outdated and ineffective tool for leaders.
What I like to engage in is something I call business readiness.
Tune into this episode of Through Cy's Eyes for more.
For more on business readiness check out these resources:
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Cy Wakeman is a dynamic national keynote speaker and New York Times bestselling author who has spent over 20 years cultivating a revolutionary approach to leadership and work. Her Reality-Based Philosophy helps leaders and their teams ditch the drama, turn excuses into results, and find opportunities in every challenge they face.
As a keynote speaker, Cy is a highly sought-after conference headliner and holds a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speaker’s Association, placing her within the top 3% of speakers worldwide. Her programs are consistently ranked by participants as the single most impactful training they have ever received.
Find Cy here:
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Why Change Management is Outdated
cy wakemanbusinesssolver 2018cy wakeman keynoteno egobusiness readinessreality based leadershipleadership advicechange managementchange readyphiladelphiacycy no egono ego philosophyhow to live without dramano more dramaditch the dramareality-based leadershiptraining toolmanagement toolsmanagement trainingleadership training