Game Title: KO Seiki Beast Sanjuushi: Gaia Fukkatsu | KO世紀ビースト三獣士~ガイアの復活~
Developer: Matrix
Genre: RPG
Released: 1992
Platform: PC-98
Description by mobygames:
The game is based on the anime series known in English as K.O. Beast. In the future, the Earth is split in two halves. Humans control the Southern hemisphere, while the Northern one is inhabited by various half-human, half-beast tribes. The humans want to conquer the lands of the half-beasts and to possess their sacred statues called jinn. The game begins when the three main heroes, the half-beasts Wan Dabadatta ("Derbard" in English anime translation), Bud Mint, and the mermaid Mei Mer have already met each other. They found themselves in the Saihate tower, when the two human warriors V-Darn and V-Sion, accompanied by the imp Akumako, attack the tower and try to capture the heroes, who must now escape and eventually stop the humans' evil plans for world domination.
KO Seiki Beast Sanjūshi: Gaia no Fukkatsu can be described as a "light" Japanese RPG. There are no weapons or armor the heroes can equip, very few "friendly" areas, and almost no NPC interaction; the game mostly consists of long crawls through maze-like top-down locations. Randomly appearing enemies are fought in turn-based combat on an isometric battle screen. The heroes (up to four in a party) can use magical attacks, and later also gain access to magic spells and "beast transformation" abilities. Instead of shops that sell items, there are machines for the same purposes found inside the dungeon-like areas.
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