Pawan Kalyan Garu has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by resolving a 77-year-old issue through 38 transformative road projects across Parvathipuram Manyam and Alluri SitaRama Raju districts. With a budget of ₹142.04 crores, these projects span 138.17 kilometers, connecting 127 tribal villages and improving the lives of over 8,151 tribal residents.
This initiative eradicates the challenges of 'Doli Habitations,' ensuring accessibility, better living standards, and economic opportunities for remote tribal communities. Witness how this visionary project has redefined development for these long-neglected areas.
#PawanKalyan #Development #TribalWelfare #RoadProjects #Parvathipuram #ASRDistrict #DoliHabitations #InclusiveGrowth"
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