Tool assisted runs have been made for countless video games, typically created to beat a game as fast as possible. So, what happens when a TAS is made for Tetris? Is it possible to "beat" the game? Let's find out.
Watch the run in full here: [ Ссылка ]
Greg's extensive StackRabbit showcase: [ Ссылка ]
Videos featured:
Super Mario Bros. TAS: [ Ссылка ]
A Bored God Plays Tetris: [ Ссылка ]
Joseph Saelee's CTWC qualifier maxout: [ Ссылка ]
2004 TAS: [ Ссылка ]
2006 TAS: [ Ссылка ]
2007 TAS: [ Ссылка ]
2010 TAS: [ Ссылка ]
256 level NES Tetris TAS: [ Ссылка ]
MylesTheGreat's level 29 start Maxout: [ Ссылка ]
The 0.0009% calculation is thanks to the work of Fractal161, and a detailed spreadsheet of that work can be found here: [ Ссылка ]
Music (in order):
Battle Assault 3 Featuring Gundam Seed: Track 5 Theme
LEMMiNO - Nocturnal (BGM)
Stevia Sphere: A Sphere Made of Stevia
What a Perfect Game of Tetris Looks Like
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