When we initially chose to acquire Certified Organic Latex mattresses, It was in an effort to offer our community a chemical free mattress option, after learning of the potential hazards in traditional and memory foam mattresses. Little did we know, the benefits were far greater than we ever anticipated. Our only regret in acquiring these All Natural Latex mattresses, was that we didn't find them sooner!
While I was blessed to stay home with our five little ones, my husband worked for a big box mattress retailer for over 5 years, and had never heard of latex mattresses, not to mention certified organic latex. We ourselves had been in business for approximately a year and a half when, one day a guest in our store handed us a prescription from his allergist for an all natural, non-toxic mattress. All natural, toxin free mattresses? What are those? We asked ourselves that very question, then we began to do our research, and were amazed by what we found! When we took a leap of Faith and ventured out to start Simply Sleep in May 2013, It was because we realized that mattresses really do matter, and Impact ones health, and we wanted to provide our community with great quality products that would not only help them sleep better, but live better! So after learning of organic latex mattresses and their many benefits, there was no question that we had to have these!
We are excited to be the exclusive provider of all natural, latex mattresses in the 'Hill City' of Lynchburg Va. We believe that our community, our family, and our friends deserve the best, and we are proud to offer that! When it comes to mattresses it just doesn't get any better than latex. If any of you are fortunate enough to have ancestors or elderly relatives to speak with, I would almost bet that if you ask, they will tell you the mattresses they used to purchase from Sears and Roebuck that lasted 50 plus years, were made of latex. Perhaps you've heard the saying that, "they just don't make em like they used too" referring to most products on today's market. This is definitely true when it comes to traditional and memory foam mattresses, including the highly popular tempurpedic, as most manufacturers have resorted to synthetic, chemical ridden materials, that are mediocre at best. The federal law passed in 2007, regulating the flammability of mattresses, is largely to blame for this.
Fortunately, with manufacturers such as OrganicPedic, and SavvyRest we are able to offer our guest a healthy, all natural, time tested alternative. Just as it was for the generations before us, All natural latex is still the best option for mattresses. Our latex mattresses, are equipped with an industry leading 20 year warranty, and given their natural state, they've been proven to last even longer! As an added benefit, whenever you decide to rid of your latex mattress, whether it's two decades from now or long after, it can simply be tossed into a landfill to disintegrate naturally , as it is fully biodegradable. So not only is it beneficial to your personal air quality, but it benefits the environment greatly as well.
I know, I know. These latex mattresses just keep getting better and better, and we havent even gotten to the best part! It was not until the product actually hit our sales floor, and we were able to see it, touch it, and try it, that we realized these customizable mattresses were not just a healthy choice for individuals, and the environment, but also went a long way to restore healthy marriages and relationships as well!
The certified organic mattresses we offer are fully customizable, allowing couples to have completely different feels on either side of the same mattress, even in a queen size! Also, if space allows, pairing a king size mattress (or two twin xl mattresses) with two twin xl adjustable bases gives each sleeper total independence while sleeping, without compromising the 'cuddle zone'. So, now you can "have your cake and eat it too!"
Customizable latex mattresses, such as those we offer from Savvy Rest and OrganicPedic, are among the only mattresses on the market that not only allow you to actually see and touch what's in it, (from the outer cover to the inner core) but each sleeper has the option to build the mattress to your preference! I mean, seriously, it doesn't get any better than that! We firmly believe that when you're investing your hard earned money into a mattress, it should be Custom Made by you, for you. We are excited that with our Certified organic latex mattresses, we are able to offer our guests this awesome feature!
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