Fashion.Defined is an A.Bevy Productions, Inc. produced event that was first produced in 2010 under the direction of Bryant Kirk White. The show was held annually during the years of 2010-2012 as a collegiate-based "concept show" that placed the attributes & purpose of a fashion show alongside an increased focus on music and all mediums of the arts in order to convey specific messages through connotative definitions. Within Fashion Defined we believe that nothing is fact, it is simply your opinion, and that is enough for not only us, but also our audience and world to stand upon and move forthright in society.
In January of 2014, after a year's hiatus, Fashion.Defined returned with an host of events and now stands outside of the college arena and amidst the community and state as a whole. Now led by 10 astute, talented, rebellious, and purpose-driven individuals, the brand that is Fashion Defined is back and will be reclaiming its verbiage as the one of the best in the southeast this Summer.
A.Bevy Productions, Inc.'s Fashion Defined now operates as an organization within itself that provides opportunities throughout the year for those lacking a lane where their fashion interests can be fueled and catered to. Each event & opportunity upholds our focus with our main event being our annual FD concept show. The concept show stands upon the history of fashion combined with music, painting, photography, performance art, acting, spoken word, singing, live instrumentation, dancing, drawing, and all forms of contemporary art. With a main theme and focus, every year, the staff behind Fashion.Defined handcrafts an original presentation that breaks down what is deemed as factual definitions of specific words and offers them back to the audience through the angle of another eye. There has never been a show like Fashion Defined's concept show and as we continue forward, we will create a history book of our own that will show that through fashion -- everything that is in the sky, in the street... our ideas, the way we live, & everything that is happening around us -- a single show & mindset was able to shift the culture into a better place.
Fashion.Defined started and still stands with a purpose of recognizing all that we are as unique individuals through our fashion in all that the eyes of Coco Chanel saw it as. We cannot be defined by others, society, nor any other facades of the world; however, through the presentation of perceptive views into our very own fashion, Fashion.Defined allows us to define ourselves as only the one in the mirror is able to do.
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