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Nametag: Dueltainer
ID: 961-527-472
Main Deck:
2x (UR) Maxx "C"(optional)
3x (UR)Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon(must have 3 copies)
3x (UR)Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
2x (SR)Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon
1x (N)Odd-Eyes Minotaur(use for pendulum effect)
1x (R)Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon
1x (R)Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon(Negate extra deck monster effect)
2x (SR)Odd-Eyes Phantasma Dragon
3x (UR)Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon(Odd-Eyes Searcher)
1x (N)Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon
1x (N)Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon
1x (N)Xiangke Magician
2x (N)Nobledragon Magician(lvl 7/8 Dragon Tuner)
1x (UR)Astrograph Sorcerer
3x (SR)Performapal Skullcrobat Joker
2x (N)Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver
3x (SR) Spiral Flame Strike
3x (UR) Sky Iris
3x (UR) Duelist Alliance
2x (SR) Odd-Eyes Fusion(Useful for its last effect otherwise use Performapal Dissolver to Fusion Summon)
Extra Deck:
1x (SR)Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
1x (SR)Starving Venemy Dragon
1x (SR) Starving Venemy Lethal Dose Dragon
1x (SR)Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
1x (SR)Performapal Gatlinghoul
1x (SR)Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
1x (UR)Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
1x (R)Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon
1x (R)Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
1x UR(Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon
1x (SR)Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon
1x (R)Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon
1x (SR)Dark Anthelion Dragon
1x (UR)Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon
1x (UR)Heavymetalfoe Electrumite
Deck Notes:
Odd-Eyes Deck relies heavily on monster effects to disrupt/counter opponent monster, therefore does not need a lot of traps if, at all to function properly. This deck is optimal for aggressive playstyle because it has good Attack power, great disruption, easy comeback, and is very consistent thanks to the many odd-eyes searchers available in TCG.
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Odd-Eyes vs Hero | Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel |
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