IGNOU PROMOTION NOTICE ANNOUNCED 2021/Ignou promotion notice aa गया है sirfइनstudentsको किया promote
। INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MAIDAN GARHI, NEW DELHI 110068 Student Evaluation Division (SED) F.No.: IG/SED/Exam-1/TEE/0621/HA Dated: 28 October, 2021 NOTIFICATION Sub: Exemption from appearing in the Term -end-Examination of the First Year courses of Bachelor and Masters Degree: Term-end-Examination, June 2021 in conformity of UGC order dated July 16, 2021. In continuation of the Notifications dated July 3, 2021 and July 9, 2021 on the Term-End Examinations June 2021, it is further notified that the students of the following Bachelor and Masters Degree Programmes who were enrolled in the first year of the Programme in July 2020 admission session and who were eligible to appear in the Term-end- Examination, June 2021 for the first time are exempted from appearing in the Term-end-Examination of the first year courses. Their marks / grades in the Term-end-Examination of the first year courses will be assigned based on the average marks / grades obtained by them in the term-end examination of the second year courses. 14 Year of Bachelor Degree Programmes 1t Year of Master Degree Programmes BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, BTS, BAVTM, BAECH, MCOM, MEG, MHD, MPS, MAH, MSO, MAPC, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPCH, BAPAH, BASOH, MEC, MPA, MAAN, MGPS, MARD, MSCDFSM, MSCCFT, MSW, MSWC, MAEDU, MADE, MAAE, (Registered in July 2020 admission session) MTTM, MAPY, MADVS, MAWGS, MAGD, MATS, MAJMC, MSK (Registered in July 2020 BSCANH, BAEGH, BAHDH, BSWWG, BSCBCH admission session) BCA - 1" and 2 Semester, registered in M.Sc.(MACS)- 1t and 2 Semester registered January 2021 admission session in January 2021 admission session It is further clarified that the examination for the second year courses of the Bachelor Degree Programmes registered in July 2020 admission session and for the BCA Degree Programme registered in January 2021 admission session for the 3t and 4 Semesters will be held in December 2021. Other Programmes, except the Programmes mentioned above , are not covered under the exemption scheme of this Notification as the Term-end-E xamination for first year/first semester for such Programmes have already been conducted in the Term-end-Examination, June 2021. This exemption is not applicable to any other component such as Practical Examinations, Assignments, Project Reports, Dissertation, Internship, Field Work Journal (Practicum), etc. The examination fees already paid by the students for the Term-end-Examination, June 2021 for the exempted courses will be adjusted against the examination fee payable for the second year courses. The students who do not want the exemption may appear for the Term-end-Examination of the first year courses in the Term-end-Examinations, December 2021 or afterwards till the expiry of the maximum duration of the Programme, subject to the fulfillment of the other eligibility conditions. Contd.2/- 2:- The results/marks/grades in the Term-end-Examination of the first year courses, covered under the exemption scheme mentioned above, will be updated by the University only after the completion of the Term-end -Examination of the all courses of second year. The exemption scheme is applicable for all the courses of first year on account of Covid-19. No partial exemption is admissible. This issues with the approval of the competent authority. ĐF. V. B. Negi Registrar, SED Distribution: 1. All Schools/ Divisions/ Centres/ Cells/ Institute. 2. The Head, Computer Division - with a request kindly to upload the Notification on the IUniuerritu'e uuehrite on the homenage under News & Announcements
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