SK: Štefan hovorí svoj príbeh o tom, ako ho zdravotné problémy po 50-ke priviedly k chodeniu do kopca, potom k behaniu a nakoniec k ultratrailovým behom. Vo veku 70 rokov svojou kondíciou tromfne nejedného mladého športovca, o čom svedči aj jeho štart na najťažšom vytrvaleckom bežeckom preteku sveta - 171 km behu okolo vrcholu Mont Blank. --- ENG: Štefan tells his story about how his backache in his early 50's brought him to uphill walking then jogging and eventually to ultra-trail runs. Even now at the age of 70 his fitness is better than that of many younger athletes as evidenced by his this year's start in the world's toughest endurance race - 171 km long run around Mont Blanc. Vášňou Štefana Karaka sú dlhé behy v horách. Vo veku 62 rokov absolvoval jeden z najťažších pretekov na svete UTMB (166km s prevýšením 9 400 m). O 3 roky neskôr ako najstarší účastník pretekov úspešne dokončil Lead Ville Trail 100 v Colorade (160 km). Zúčastnil sa 6 Majstrovstiev sveta v behu do vrchu a je držiteľom niekoľkých slovenských rekordov. Dnes vo veku 70 rokov stále trénuje a je odhodlaný naplniť si svoje ďalšie bežecké ciele.
EN: Štefan Karak's passion is long trail runs. As a 62-year-old ultra trail runner, he completed one of the most difficult races in the world - the UTMB (166 km with elevation gain of 9,400 m). 3 years later, as the oldest racer, he successfully completed the Lead Ville Trail 100 in Colorado (160 km). He participated in 6 World Championships in hill running and holds several Slovak records. Today, at the age of 70, he still trains and is determined to achieve his next running goals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at [ Ссылка ]
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