It seems Rajasthan state is ignored and is silent as Madhya Pradesh is going ahead with massive water resources development projects in interstate ChambalRiver basin. Some of these projects were even part of the interstate projects discussed for several years between the two states and now Madhya Pradesh is going ahead with them unilaterally. Mohanpura and Kundaliya projects were also part of the ParbatiKalisindh ChambalRiver link, one of the priority links of Union Government, but now MP is going ahead with them without any consultation with Rajathan or Government. In response to SANDRP questions, Madhya Pradesh responded, as recorded in the minutes of 68th meeting of EAC held in Sept 2013, “It was clarified that the NWDA scheme has not been accepted by the M.P. Government and is not likely to be implemented in the near future. The M. P. Government wants immediate implementation of Mohanpura Project”.
The Water Resources Department, state government of Madhya Pradesh proposes to
develop Kundalia Irrigation project. The dam site of the proposed Kundalia Irrigation
Project is approachable from state highway Ujjain-Jhalawar and Khilchipur-Jhalawar
road. It can be approached by about 10 km road from km 42 of Zirapur-Pachor road. The
site is located 20 km from nearest Zirapur town. The catchment area intercepted at the
dam site is 4900 sq. km. The GCA and CCA of the project are 82625 ha and 58040 ha
respectively. The project shall irrigate an area of 55,000 ha in Rabi and 20000 ha in
kharif seasons. The project location map is enclosed as Figure-1.
The project proposal will comprise of following main components: -
• Construction of earthen dam for 2355 m and subsidiary saddle dam of 2130 m.
• Construction of a central gated spillway of 236 m length.
• Two nos. of head sluice on left and right flank from dam to provide irrigation
downstream of dam to approximately 58,040 ha of CCA.
• Construction of a diversion barrage on river Lakhunder to divert water for this
sub- basin through a channel into main sub-basin of river Kalisindh.
• Two undersluices to provide drinking water facility and release of water
downstream for maintaining ecological requirements.
• 236 m long 7.50 m wide T-beam Type double Lane Bridge over the spillway.
• Energy dissipation arrangement in the form of slotted roller bucket of 15m radius.
• Construction of downstream training wall, guide wall and returned wall.
The index map of the project showing the dam and canal distribution system is enclosed
as Figure-2.
The tentative total land required for various project components is of about 7,822 ha.
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