A compilation of british steam trains from the 1930s - 1960s in Train Simulator made in the style of Giants of Steam, one of my favourite BBC railway documentaries, music by Ron Grainer which i do not own. Click Show More for more information.
Thank you to the following developers for making this possible:
Armstrong Powerhouse
Blast Pipe Productions
Bossman Games
Caledonia Works
Digital Traction
Dovetail Games
Just Trains
Matrix Trains
Steam Sounds Supreme
Victory Works
Vulcan Productions
wotawally's bits
Train Simulator: Giants of Steam
TrainSimulatorGiantsofSteamTrain SimulatorSimulator 2019Train Simulator 2019RailworksTrain Simulator: Giants of SteamGiants of SteamArmstrong PowerhouseBlast Pipe ProductionsBossman GamesCaledonia WorksDigital TractionDovetail GamesDPSimulationJust TrainsKrossRailsMatrix TrainsMeshToolsSignalBoxSteam Sounds SupremeVictory WorksVulcan Productionswotawally's bits