Indian Railways had stopped all passenger trains during lockdown from 25th March 2020. The lockdown was extended and may end on 17th May. Indian Railways has taken an important decision. It is planning to start a few passenger trains from 12th May 2020, i.e. 5 days before the lockdown ends. It is a big relief for people across the country. First, the Indian Railways will reserve 20,000 train coaches as isolation centers for COVID-19 patients and 300 Shramik Special trains for migrants. Then the Railways will select 15 special trains which will carry out the return journey as well. The special trains will travel to major stations. It will stop at limited stations.
The bookings for these trains will start on 11th May from 4 pm. Passengers will have to book tickets on the IRCTC website only. Ticket booking counters at all railway stations will remain closed. All passengers on these trains will have to wear face cover/mask. They will have to compulsorily be tested at the time of departure. Only asymptomatic passengers will be allowed to travel on the trains.
A railway ministry official told that these trains will have only AC coaches, and the fare will be similar to that of Rajdhani Express trains. According to Indian Railways, these trains will run from the New Delhi railway station to destinations such as Dibrugarh, Bhubaneswar, Secunderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai Central, etc.
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